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Charity Miles - Mobile Application

Team: Gabriela Afonseca, Fernando Dorado

3 Weeks - July - August 2015


Consulted the company on UX best practices; found areas of opportunity through testing the current application and google analytics.  Conducted business/design analyses, surveys, interviews to find the best ways in which to approach and fix these areas of opportunity.
Created a prototype to show results that both represented all of our data but also kept current memberbase in mind.

Charity Miles

Charity Miles
Sidewalk Runway

Sidewalk Runway

Sidewalk Runway - Website - Case Study​

Team: Amy Wang

2 Weeks - July 2015


Tasked with creating a website that explores a problem/area of opportunity for an existing brand and considering technical constraints.  Working with only one other person, we also had to be very time-conscious.
Created a website to explore the problem that many people face when shopping online for clothing/accessories: you never really know how things will look on your body.



GIPHY - Website App - Case Study
Team: Carl Landegger, Mike Sarcone-Roach
2 Weeks - June 2015

Tasked with adding a feature to an existing website, mainly adding a gif-creating feature within the GIPHY website that also allowed for editing, adding captions, and sharing.

Created a feature with a multitude of little details, including iconographic drap and drop, brand-aware designs, privacy settings, and clean UI.



Absynthetika Designs Website Redesign
2 days - October 2015


Tasked with redesigning of a website that advertises custom and hand-made garments.  Since they did not want it to be a full e-commerce website, they asked that I give just enough information and visuals to show their range of work and give a more professional look to incite more trust with the customer. After looking through competitive/comparative sites, I created this website in a way that promotes a community feel and gives a face to the designer, as the items that are sold are at a higher price range and require a level of comfort in giving personal details.

Side Projects
Shalyn Oswald UX Designer
Shalyn Oswald UX Designer

Side Projects

Game Jams and Hackathons

I love taking part in these activities because I feel like I learn a lesson every time, and it really helps me learn how to best prioritize and communicate.  Plus I get to meet and work with new people, which is always a welcome activity!



Copywriting Case Studies

Tasked with creating a product to sell to various audiences, via different media, and using appropriate language and design for each.

To see more or discuss possible work  >>
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