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Embarking on my journey in UX with IBM clients, I quickly realized the pivotal role of bridging the gap between design thinking and stakeholders. Guiding them through the intricacies of understanding human behaviors, I aimed to illuminate how this insight could shape products and interfaces, enhancing success.
However, it wasn't just about imparting knowledge; it was about fostering a deeper understanding through teaching and mentoring.
In embracing humility, I discovered that ego dissolution became my greatest achievement, paving the way for genuine connection and collaboration in every project endeavor.
Teaching &

"Everyone who is looking to grow should work in the service industry and teach at least once in their lives."

"This Section Requires Ego"

"An AI rendering of Shalyn teaching UX design to a classroom. Very Accurate."

"A methodology created to help folks understand how human centered design and agile work together. Where is the AI centered design?"
- 10 years UX, product, taught UX basics, process, and utilization to all clients.
- 2 years Lead Instructor of UX/UI at General Assembly NYC
- Curriculum adjustment and creation, which includes slideshow decks for every subject covered.
- Presentation deck design focused on audience needs.
- Constant iteration based on student feedback.
- Project planning for both student projects as well as staff and company projects.
- Feedback-based grading and mentorship
- Team creation; putting together successful teams based on expressed areas of interest, their professional goals, and personality.
- Project managing for students; act as manager to deliver feedback, advice, encouragement, life lessons.
- Manager of assistants, class presentation creation, feedback loops.
Spoke on panels about Diversity and Bias in Tech:
- Specifically speaking about gender issues in interface design.
Want to know a little more about my process at Bluewolf, an IBM company?

"For My Data-Mining Friends"
Over 2 years of teaching and training UX professionally in a bootcamp setup
Mentor folks in the tech industry with process or UX and product design
Training co-workers and clients on design thinking, UX, process flow, product, etc.
Volunteer teaching tech, English, culture
Adjust & Iterate Approaches as Needed by Audience
Belief that Improvement Is Not Beyond Anyone
Advocate for Diversity in the Classroom
Inspire and Engage
Delegate Strategically & Thoughtfully
Diversity of Experience
Offer Questions AND Answers
Do No Harm
Tteaching Exp.
Teaching Ethics
Frameworks for Teaching a Variety of Subjects to a Variety of Stakeholders
Ability to Communicate Clearly
Empathetic, but with Expectations
Utilizing Storytelling to Quickly Teach Complex Concepts
Making Complicated Processes more Concise
Creating Interactive Classes and Presentations
Teaching Skills

"Obviously, the 'Friendly' AI Has Made This Section Clear"

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